International Kids Academy

Parachute Fun in Preschool!☆Preschool

Parachute Fun in Preschool!☆Preschool


Hello Everyone! It’s Preschool here!

Its been almost one whole month since we started Preschool, and what a brilliant time we are having too!

This week we’ve been having a wonderful time with the parachute!

We absolutely love it!!!

We always get so excited when Nanami and Hannah say, “It’s parachute time!”

We need to stand in the middle of the mat so that everyone can fit underneath.

The parachute is a lot more fun when we can all play with it together!

The parachute helps to develop our Gross Motor Skills.

We need to reach up high to catch the parachute and bend down low to crawl underneath.

“Wow! Good stretching! Can you reach up and touch the parachute?”

We love it when everyone shakes the parachute really, really fast!

The static from the parachute makes our hair stand up!

We can’t help but get the giggles! This is so much fun!

We are learning how to hold onto the parachute handles so that we can join in with making the parachute move. We need to find a hndle and hold on tight!

“Can you hold onto the pink handle with two hands? Good job! You did it!”

We love playing different games with the parachute!  Hannah asked us to all lay down and pretend to be sleepy, little bunnies. When everyone lifted the parachute we had to shout, “Good morning bunnies!” When the parachute came back down, we had to lay down and whisper, “Sssshhhh!”

“Ready everyone?! Hold onto your pink handles…1…2…3… lift up!”

We are getting really good at listening to instructions and can follow what the teachers say. Great job everyone!

  “Now let’s… shakey, shakey, shakey!!!”

Shaking the parachute all together is our favourite part. We get so excited! Look at all the different colours move!

We also took the parachute to the gym so that we had even more space to run underneath it. This was our first time in the gym this year! We can`t wait to come back and play more games!


“One more time! One more time, please!”

What a lovely time we’ve had together this week!

We are so proud of you and how well you’ve all settled into Preschool!

Keep being little superstars!!

