International Kids Academy

Little Artists, Big Paper ☆Preschool

Little Artists, Big Paper ☆Preschool


Hello everyone! It's Preschool here!

Last week we had the best time ever doing our Big Painting!!!!

After putting on our smocks and taking off our socks and shoes, it was time to get MESSY!!!!

Of course we got stuck right in! We love giving new things a try, especially when Hannah, Nanami and Arisa try it with us!!

"Look, Hannah!! I have green hands!"

It was so much fun painting alongside our friends and mixing all the colours together to make new colours!

We had all sorts of painting tools that we could use, like sponges, paint brushes and rollers!!!

We realised we could use our hands to help us paint too!

We loved the feeling of the paint and making lots of handprints all over our paper!

Rolling, rolling, rolling...

We absolutely loved using the rollers!! We dipped them in the different paint to make new colours!

"Look! Look! Rainbow Hands!"

It was so fun showing our messy hands to our friends! Everyone's hands had turned a different colour! So cool!!!

This was one of our most favourite activities ever!!!! We loved getting messy and having the freedom to paint however we wanted!

We're so happy you had an amazing time, Preschool!! 

We LOVED your artwork and how creative you were! A big, big WELL DONE!!!

