International Kids Academy


Apples for Grandparents' Day!☆Preschool


Hello everyone! It's Preschool here!

Last week we made some lovely apple cards for Grandparents' Day!

We couldn't wait to make something lovely to give to our Grandparents!!

Our first job was to stick two eye stickers onto our apple! 

After that, it was time to stick a little leaf onto our apple's head! What a cute apple!!!

Our next job was to give our apple a big smiley mouth! 

"Can you make a big, smiley face? Say CHEESE!!!"

"Wow!! You're all so focused and concentrating so well! Good job everyone!"

We're getting much better at staying focused for longer periods of time and we can work independently too!

"Your apple looks amazing!! I'm sure Grandma and Grandpa will love it!!" 

"Look! Look! Apple!"

"You've made such wonderful apples! Fantastic!"

Our apples were looking great! But it was time to add a little bit of sparkle... ☆

It's... GLITTER GLUE TIME!!!!!!! ☆

This was our first time using glitter glue this year so we were very excited!

We had to use our fingers to squeeze the tubes and push out the glitter.

The glitter glue made our apples super sparkly and glittery!!!

We absolutely LOVED using the glitter glue, we can't wait to use it again!!

Well done for working so hard on your craft, Preschool! We know your Grandparent's will love your apple cards! ♡

I wonder what we'll make next time...!

