International Kids Academy

Pencil Grip and Fine Motor☆Preschool

Pencil Grip and Fine Motor☆Preschool


Hello everyone! It's Preschool here!

Last week we did lots of Fine Motor practice by working on our pencil grip and tracing skills!

First, Nanami showed us what to do. She told us that, with our crayon, we needed to follow the dotted lines to draw the different shapes. This is called tracing! We're learning to follow the lines and draw shapes by ourselves...

Good Pencil Grip!

We try our best to hold the crayon nicely and follow the lines of each shape...

Working Hard!

We're learning to work carefully and take our time if we find something tricky! 

Colour, Colour, Colour...

We love to colour! When our line tracing was finished, we could colour in our shapes!

Concentration Faces!!!

Our ability to focus on activities has gotten so much better! Super focus everyone!!

Ta-daaaaa! I Did It!!!!

We always feel so proud when we complete an activity! It's nice to show off our hard work!

Look What I Made!!!

"Super-duper! You tried your very best to follow the dotted line...Good job!!!"

A BIG 'well done' to everyone in Preschool!

We love to see your best efforts and feel so proud of you!!!☆

Keep up the good work everyone!!

